You've never been so used as I'm using you, abusing you
My little decoy
Don't look so blue, you should've seen right through
I'm using you, my little decoy
My little decoy

Thursday, January 29, 2009
tagged by ros azian

1. Tag 9 friends.
: anyone, please~ malash oh. ehe. choe~

2. Choose your answer and leave your comment in a bracket for each.

1. Would you rather be blind or be deaf?
i'll rather be blind (coz f im deaf, thats mean i couldnt hear anything)

2. Would you rather lose an arm or a leg?
may i say not to lose both? (payah nanti pegang barang n bejalan)

3. Would you rather become uglier or stupider?
i rather become uglier (who wanna be dumb and of course it doesnt mean that i wanna be prettier. its fine that im now.)

4. Would you rather be more rich or more attractive?
rich, of course. (so that, i can travel to paris back and forth.)

5. Would you rather be blonde or brunette?

6. Would you rather have a third eye in the middle of your head, or a horn in the middle of your head?
err, neither both. it looks scary.

7. Would you rather it be winter forever or summer forever?
winter, so that i may not need an air-conditioner. ahakx.

8. If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, would you rather it be sweet or salt?
i prefer sweet but not always.

9. If you could choose a super power, would you rather be able to fly or move objects?
gorsh! =S

10. If you had to be an animal, would you rather live in the ocean or on the land?
on land, coz i wanna be like a cow, 'moo'. ahakx. whatever. on the other hand, cows are lazy and dumb but im not that dumb, just a lazy one.

decoy@4:16 PM
Monday, January 26, 2009
hye blog. its been a while nada post. well, arini nada papa kan diuat, just edit gambar, edit gambar, iat tv, mengasak, menyanyi and blah blah blah. ahakx. *sigh* eshok maybe keluar results oh. ni yang bari ingau ni. ergh! takut wa. sian eyy, malar kena text ani wa oleh klazmate mau tau bila n mau tau results nya cemana. hai~ ia lagi suruh datang keskulah sama2 ia untuk check results. ayo~ huny lagi malash kan datang keskulah tuu oh. datang tuu datang pulang tapi cuma ambil result slip saja. f kan mgechek results tuu kat internet ja. lagipun, huny tau udah ya unya blog. ehe. oooh~ ari sabtu ni parents ke bandar tdo dihotel, cuti2 rehat2. ahakx. mummy offer pulang tuu minta huny itot, tapi huny fikir2 dlu dey mau pigi tau na. hotelnya, uhm... huny pun na tau hotel mana kan nginap. f huny itot, maybe karang or eshok huny packing barang huny. ehe. lagipun, its a best idea to release tension bila dapat tau results nanti. ehe. 2hari lagi huby mau abish contract kerja ngan soonlee and huby kata bila dah abish kerja, huby kan tinggal dilumut tuu ngan uncle and aunty. jadi kami dua na berjauhan. ehe.

btw, this blog was posted today, january 29th, 2009. currently the blogger is going crazy. =S

decoy@12:23 PM

Death Of Me.

I should have seen those signs all around me,
But I was comfortable inside these wounds;
So go ahead and take another piece of me now
While we all bow down to you;

You tear me down and then you pick me up,
You take it all and still it’s not enough,
You try to tell me you can heal me,
But I’m still bleeding and you’ll be
The death of me!

How can you end my affliction
If you’re the sickness and I’m the cure?
Too long I’ve faked this addiction,
Another sacrifice to make us pure;

You tear me down and then you pick me up,
You take it all and still it’s not enough,
You try to tell me you can heal me,
But I’m still bleeding and you’ll be
The death of me!

You tear me down and then you pick me up,
You take it all and still it’s not enough,
You try to tell me you can heal me,
But I’m still bleeding and you’ll be
The death of me!

I won’t forget;
I cannot forget this;
I won’t forget;
I’ll never forget this;
I won’t forget;
I cannot forget this;
I won’t forget;
I’ll never forget this;

I won’t forget!
I cannot forget this!
I won’t forget!
I’ll never forget!

You know I can never prove this solution;
You aren’t the one that I thought you were;
And so I learn to embrace this illusion,
The line that separates- it starts to blur;

You tear me down and then you pick me up,
You take it all and say it’s not enough,
You try to tell me you can heal me,
But I’m still bleeding and you’ll be
The death of me!

And you’ll be the death of me!

I will not forget!
I cannot forget this!
And you’ll be the death of me!

decoy@12:07 PM

hello blog.woahhhh,,i missed you blog.haha,uhmmm kerja kerja kerja,nada masa untuk blog,nahhhh,,tapi na lama lagi abis contract,hehe,happy eh,,uhmm during the 23rd of january,phewwww..huby jumpa huny..hehe walaupun sekejap saja.masa awaltu huby pikir orang lain sudah sekali lagi toleh..nahhh huny bahh,hahah.hati ani sudah dupp dapp dupp dapp kan jumpa huny.huby tunggu huny luar restaurant makcik karit,hahah smpai huny keluar.huby mamam sikit plang saja tu,pacal nada rasa kan mamam ahh.time huby masuk dapur,huby sediakan sudah makana kat atas meja,then huby tringat yang credit alum beli lagi,huby mamam nugget satu ja,then terus keluar,time kan masuk arah entrance tnmpak huny kluar dari kereta.time tu huny cute brabish,hehe.kami jalan2 kejap.huby sedar pulang orang iat2 tani,uhmmm mungkin pacal huby selalunya sorang2,diam2 ja,jrng kan bercakap,haha.hairan kali diorang huby ada girlfriend.haha pedulikan diorang xpxp.huny bagi rantai kat huby..hehe thank you hunybabydoll,mwahhhhhsssss..uhm nakan hari ni chinese new year.di malam huby jalan ke tepikong cina kat kb dalam pukul 11 lalu.arah roundabout teco ada road block.ukan plng tempat bulatan atu,around sana la..hehe.badil start pukul 12,,huh,,walaupun hujan lebat diorang main jua,huby ada ambil gambar tapi enda brapa terang,kejap lagi di post,uhhhmm oleh kerana hujan lebat pukul 12.30+ berhenti tah diorang,so kami jalan la.adik lagi kan memeh yatah pusing2 mencari tempat memeh tu.biasa perempuan.hahaha,,hmm last last kat wywy ja.udah teiat wywy lapar ta parut ahahah,tapi tahan ja la.sampai kat umah 1 lalu.terus mc huny then tidor.pagi tadi huby sedar pulang huny mc walaupun vibrate ja.hehe.this is the picture ive taken last nigh,sorrry pacal kabur.hahahah.

decoy@10:02 AM
happy birthday, january 26th, 2009


my dearly darling, dyla gayban.
i miss you oh.

my ex-classmate, irah.


my another ex-classmate, tan shu vun.

decoy@7:23 AM
Sunday, January 25, 2009
tagged by my gay sister, ochee.

1. Do you think you're hot?
- No, but my boyfriend does.
2. Upload a favourite picture of you.

3. Why do you like that picture?
- Because, i think its the best photo i ever took? =S
4. When was the last time you ate pizza?
- A year ago...

5. The last song you listened to?
- RED - Death Of Me.

6. What are you doing now besides this?
- typing on my keyboard for this.

7. What name do you prefer besides yours?
- bumbum.

8. Tag 5 people.
- Azul
- Mira
- Vyan
- Renn
- Umi

9. Who is number 1?
- My bumbum boyfriend.

10. Number 2 is having a relationship with who?
- her one and only baby boy, khairi.

11. Say something about number 5.
- i dont know about her.

12. How about number 4?
- i also know nothing about him. maybe he's one of my boyfriend's tuition mate.

13. Who is number 3?
- my boyfriend's tuition mate.

decoy@8:03 PM
Saturday, January 24, 2009

hello blog. uhm, well tadi pagi breakfast kat restaurant d.k.m. otey jua la servicenya, dalam 20mins dah sampai makanan. nyum2, mamam soto. mmm~ aha. sepatutnya arini kesoon lee pulang yang benarnya, tapi na jadi. dengar kata eshok kesana. na tau benar tau na la. pacal kan biasanya ari ahad kat umah ja. jarang kan bejalan ari ahad ni. ehe. yey~ eshok huby balik awal. katanya around pukul 6 atau 7 huby keluar dari megamart. ehe. and of course, arini the f5-ers of st.margaret's mengadakan prom di swiss hotel, kb. startnya dari pukul 6:30pm sampai midnight. i dont wanna come and enjoy myself at the dance floor coz i just wanna stay at home and be a goodgirl. wahahaha~ ada2 saja jua huny ni. ehe.

uhm, i was wondering what 'skins' is about. i just knew this tv hit series from one of the dvd store in kb town yesterday. kan beli dvd full 1st seasonnya, na jadi. hoho. at first, i asked mummy minta belikan dvd tuu, just for me la. i think its a good tv series - i think. well, according to the cover of the skins, its about mmm~ like the picture i just posted in, but the ingredient of the shows, im not really sure. i guess i need to find out, or maybe not. *investigating* well, it is the worst tv hit series ever. i give a rate of 0 out of 10. =S

frankly speaking, i was looking looking for the hills or laguna beach dvd that always played on mtv, at the dvd store. its a reality tv hit shows on which im addicted to it like im a fan of laguna beach, that used to be played on mtv last three to four years. but sadly both of the reality shows arent sale there. i wonder where jual ceta tuu. hmm... i mean, seriously. im dying to watch that. ergh!

decoy@2:57 PM
tag by mira.

Whoever gets tagged has to write 10 things
about the person who tagged him/her:

i. a shorty
ii. shopaholic
iii. unpredictable
iv. a bit crappy
v. day dreamer
vi. her baby boy's
vii. loves big bang
viii. loves juicy couture
ix. faves pink+green
x. creative

the person who get tegged has to write 10 things
about himself/herself:
i. addicted to spongeboob (spongebob)
ii. shopaholic
iii. a shorty
iv. a lazy one
v. an unstoppable chatterbox
vi. his babydoll
vii. loves moo
viii. loves juicy couture
ix. faves black & white
x. a laughter at any jokes

you need to choose 10 people to be tagged
and list their names:

i. Ochee
ii. Renn
iii. Azul

iv. Umie
v. Vyan
vi. You
vii. You
viii. You
ix. You
x. YouBold

decoy@2:22 PM

decoy@4:22 AM
Friday, January 23, 2009
this driver, bawa keta macam orang gila na iat keta kiri n kanan. tau2 ja udah keluar dari simpang. dah la keluar macam orang gila cuai lagi tuu. cuai tuu, bergagas kan keluar pintu bonet pun terbuka. baik jua harta benda dalam bonet na berguguran. wondering the name of the car? its toyota corrolla, license plate - strictly censored. to all drivers who have driving license. please dont try this on the road coz it may dangered other drivers behind f their properties fall off from the bonnet.

picture taken lastnight, january 22nd, 2009

decoy@2:49 PM

ooo~ hello blog. uhm, masani sekaloring dengar lagu from muah lappy. ngaleh oh, baru balik dari kb. lagi teruk pagi tadi, bergagas mandi. last2 minute info kena bawa bejalan. kan dekat pukul 9am lagi. baik jua itot saja bejalan. f diitotkan malash benar kan bejalan, tapi hati kata itot saja, mana tau singgah kesoon lee. dapat jua jumpa boyfriend. ehe. then, around pukul 11.30am, singgah ke soonlee kejap, mamam kat sana. baru ja keluar dari keta, teriat huby macam bergagas usulnya. aha. then, lepash mamam, keluar dari restaurant, bagi signal kat huby. aha. baik jua kena bagi chance jalan2 sama huby. ehe. kitorang exchanged barang, tapi kan plastic bag that i gave him tuu kan na berre-staple bekas i took my braclet that i bought from plaza. yata, na sempat staple balik supaya secure cket. ehe. happy cngt jumpa huby walaupun kejap saja. tangan huby sejuk oh tadi masa ia pegang my hand. ehe. tapikan, i felt uncomfortable with people around me, pacal diorang iat2 atu ba. do i look weird or orang na pernah orang staff dating ngan cinta diorang? hmm~ =S

decoy@2:22 PM
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
girlfriend's photo. boyfriend unya request tuu~.

blogblogblog. lama dah na berupdate blog ni. hmm... entah oh. makin malash pulang kan mengupdate. boyfriend na sempat post blog kebelakangan ni pacal busy bekerja. tinggal 10hari lagi kan abish contractnya. ehe. oh, dengar kata orang cakap o'level results keluar minggu ni n ada yang kata bulan depan. ek? mana satu ni. oh, maybe maksud diorang tuu minggu depan tuu kan, bulan feb. yikes! takut eyy. panic! on the loose. aaaa~ hmm~ i feel bored. menganggur is so boring. aha, well, at least ive made my work here at home. ehe. anyways, here are some photos that i took during my off-school days.

decoy@2:56 PM
happy birthday, january 20th, 2009 to rob bourdon of linkin park.

decoy@2:27 PM
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
happy birthday, january 15th, 2009, to azim ahmeddani.
keep rockin' the guitar, dude!
good luck for your band recordings.
may your wish come true.

decoy@1:52 PM
hello blog. batah dah na berupdate since skwel reopens. aha. well, ive been busy lately and i have notime to post even one blog. wait. i did once, so this is my 2nd post for this month. man! im bored, really bored. lalala. ngantuk waa~ tapi bila kan tdo, adik kacau2, spank my ass and everything.. watched me sleep. aha. huby is working now at the stationary section. pening ea, pasal... nyusun barang ka? ehe, lupa udah. hmm... apa lagi oh. *main rambut* im pretty much upset about me hair. its over-damaged now. hmm...~ =( i wish i could get a hair-done like immediately. too many split-ends are found on my hair. waa~ anyways, im stopping now coz i dont have the mood to update my blog. really blank! later!

decoy@1:30 PM
Saturday, January 3, 2009
welcome to the new year's resolution.

aaaaah~ baru ta arini uat blog for a new year, 2009. soorrry blog, pacal lama dah na ngecheck n na tulish kat blog yang tercinta ni. aha. well, masa new year ani kan, nada papa kan diuat, tapi masa new year's eve tuu, that was december 30th, 2008, kebandar. tapi masatu nada mood kan jalan2 yang benarnya. kepala lagi caket, pening~ kan tumbang sha rasanya. aha. uhm, yea, masa taun 2009 ani, nada papa kan diuat, peram kat umaaahh~ ja. duduk depan lappy, memasak sampai lukus kat palm hand tuu. kelmarin unya ceta tuu. actually i dint tell huby about it sal na mau ea worried. ehe. biasa la tuu, orang beginner jadi chef selalu camtu, lukus sana, lukus sini, ada lagi sampai ampir terkerat jari n n ampir ter'goreng' jari. sabar sha la. aha. tapi caketnya yang lukush tuu kan ukan lama cangat, kejap ja. masani pun dah otey. oh yea, kebelakangan ni, my condition pun 'rosak', maksudnya demam. aha, jangan pikir yang ukan2 la. pukul berapa udah ni kan. *iat jam dinding* oh, dah pukul 22:27pm udah rupanya. ehe. plan eshok kebandar, just me. adik2 na dapat itot sal lusa, diorang dah start skulah. anyways, here are some photos dat i did during freshie new year. its lame - i know.

scenes from resident evil 4.

sweetness that i ate.

decoy@10:02 PM


Welcome To

remember this,im azul pmore, remember this,im azul, click Here

remember this,im azul!
spam as mucha you like , so long as its nice stuff(: tag too!:D
underlineboldstrikeitalic boxed highlight

the decoy

profile here(:
i am a flying baby caterpillar that has no need to turn into a butterfly~(:
i am a cow-eating ant that can carry up to 100000000 times my weight!
i am a kitty!


your loves, hates, adores, detests, wadeva.
i love pmore
i hate any subject that i suck at
i adore mcr
i detest selfish ppl

oh star

i wish for a ........


explain to me, this conspiracy against meeeeeeeeee

btw, this is for the tagboard. cbox, flashbox, shoutbox.


imeem, wadeva(:

all we know



November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
April 2010
September 2010
October 2010
July 2011


please don't removeee(: codes:x
picture edited in photofiltre. coz i got no photoshop. boohoohoo.